Yiffy back at it again | Part 1

Starting off this post with this very unfunny video I made. I strongly believe that her striking resemblance to Nostalgia Critic is not a coincidence. That HAD to be planned. There's no way it wasn't.


I am FUMING. The new upd8 was short, awful but definitely not as bad as the last one. I REFUSE to stay formal while writing about Homestuck^2. I will say what I think about it without putting the politeness limitations on myself. It made me extremely mad and I want to show it. 

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We start with Jane. She's writing a eulogy for *DEAR, SWEET* Gamzee. We all know what happened to him, and about 50% of us are more than happy about it. I have a strong dislike for gag characters and Gamzee is the worst one since Hussie decided it would be a great idea to make him important for the story then failed miserably and now we're stuck with the problems that he created. 
She cannot possibly think about one good quality that he had that she could mention. Him being her kismesis didn't help either. I'm so so glad she didn't mention the milk think. I don't want to even think about the milk thing. That whole situation was just another sick joke regarding Gamzee's character.  Nothing significant.
She's thinking about how hard it is to write good things about a person she hated so much, but then Jake interrupts her.

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I am *not* going to say anything about this.

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Jake tells Jane that he brought some food for their "guest" and we already know what's going on. I wanted to skip right to Yiffy's reveal but it was 1am and I was so tired it was impossible for me to feel any sort of excitement so I continued reading as usual. We also get more Brain Ghost Dirk whom I love so much. He's the funniest gag that happened after Homestuck finished. He really likes to torment the poor Jake who's stuck in an unhappy marriage while knowing full well that he loves Dirk very much.
You can see here that Jane doesn't care about Jake AT ALL and that's she's a terrible wife and mother. Instead of trying to "save" her son when she thought he got kidnapped, she just abducted someone else's kid as revenge. She obviously didn't give a single damn about Tavros.

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Then we get to see Yiffy for the first time. Maybe not the WHOLE Yiffy yet but still. I already hated it. It absolutely didn't fit my expectations. Also, what's with the tail? JADE DOESN'T HAVE A TAIL. How is it possible for Yiffy to have it??? Why are her dog parts black?? Jade's ears are white?? I don't get those very uh... "brave" design choices they made but what do I know about creativity?
The only nice thing I can say about her is that I like her color palette. It's very nice but doesn't really say "Homestuck" in my opinion.
Jake apologizes for giving her food in a dog bowl. He said that they didn't have anything else. JAKE YOU DON'T HAVE A DOG WHY WAS THIS DOG BOWL IN YOUR KITCHEN AND WHY DIDN'T YOU HAVE ANY REGULAR BOWLS LEFT?!!?!>!>!??
That is just sad.
Oh yeah by the way, Jane still doesn't know Jake technically left her. I hate her so much you have no idea.

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After Jake leaves, Jane looks at a picture of the worst Homestuck character. At that point I almost forgot about him but *NOOOO* they HAVE to remind me about him every chance they get. This update doesn't have nearly as much text as the previous ones but that really doesn't matter here because if it did, it would be even more boring. Nothing happens in this one. It certainly was important but was it good? Nope.

I'm ending part 1 at 650 words because the upd8 was not long enough for two 1000 word parts but I have a lot to say about it so one post is definitely not enough.


  1. that meme gets more funny the more i watch it
    also yiffy is still bad who are you trying to convince otherwise


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