Yiffy and other things I wish didn't happen | Part 2

Another 1000 words to write. How lovely 😬
Page 214

In the most epic "I don't give a damn" way, Vriska leaves through the front door to face the paparazzi, Crocker drones, police, probably angry religious people with guns. In theory, just a dumb move on her part, but she had a plan. Honestly, this is the best thing Vriska has done so far in Homestuck^2 and this is one of the reasons I love her so much. She just doesn't care.
I didn't want this to include that much art talk from me but I have to say that the colors are so well-balanced and everything looks so amazing and polished. I'd say it's even too good for Homestuck! Just look at page 214 (2009) from the original comic:
Homestuck Page 214
It's so nice to see how far they've come (hehe) in the case of panel art. I especially like how Harry Anderson looks, but Tavros also looks pretty great. Vrissy on the other hand... :/ her design is not my favorite but hey, what do I know about fashion? I bet if Vriska did grow up on Earth she would dress exactly like that.

Page 215
This is where we get another Vriska rant from me, but this time I'll try to be reasonable. She introduces herself as THE Vriska Serket and talks about how she "made this world" which isn't exactly true. Yes, she did plan out who fights who and everybody did a great job, but what else did she do? She released the Juju, then got mad when something literally split her head open to the point where she passed out almost immediately after, even while being God Tier. That doesn't sound very epic to me.
She destroys any sort of respect Crocker corp. followers had left for the rebellion she knows nothing about by outright stating that they want to destroy everything about their enemies (ngl that was also pretty savage).

Vriska (not) helping
You can really see how hard she's trying to make herself out to be this amazing, strong, and brave god, talking about how much she supposedly did for them. I wouldn't really agree with her on that. She didn't do enough to be talking about all the stuff she mentioned. She didn't create their world and she wasn't the most important person in the session. She expected to be a big hero on this new earth but actually, most people forgot about her. Everybody thought she was dead, including the main characters. That was the reason why Rose and Kanaya adopted Vrissy. She was this kind of a forgotten hero that people sometimes heard about, only known to have "died for this planet" but now that she's alive it doesn't really work does it? Now they can see how she actually is and it's not ideal.

"VRISKA: AND SHE!!!!!!!!"
"VRISKA: HAS *HAD*!!!!!!!!"

I'll be honest, I haven't noticed the gun viewfinder when I first read the upd8 and the next panel came as a total surprise to me. At that point I wasn't thinking "she's god tier, she can't die" or anything like that. I was in complete shock and that was it. Of course, she didn't die but the fact that I didn't expect it made everything about it so scary. I quickly went to the next page and noticed they missed so I just continued on. I really like how they made it look like the shot was perfect.

VRISKA: Enough.
Then she changes into her god tier outfit and proceeds to kill dozens of people. Dice are flying, cars are flying, bodies are flying. The thing is we can't see it because the art team was too lazy to draw 3 more pictures. This scene is as boring as it can possibly be. It's Homestuck. I don't want to read big blocks of black text without any pictures. Pictures are what the comic is all about. My brain probably skipped a few sentences without me noticing because it was just so uninteresting. We get another big block of black text without a panel of the kids escaping the scene while Vriska takes care of the rest. I actually liked that scene. It showed their solidarity and to be honest it was kind of cute. Well, maybe until Harry Anderson threw up but it didn't kill the mood that much. Vriska directs them to get to the top of the tower - the same tower Dirk committed suicide on (😬). There, they meet John.

Page 224
Vriska and John have a short, but sweet reunion, and then they get to the point. He tells his son how proud of him he is but, of course, Vriska interrupts. John mentions how she's still the same old Vriska and I couldn't agree more. She's still an awful person and it's great. 

It's so strange seeing John all grown up being a father. He was 13 years old for most of the story and that's what I'll always remember him as. Now that I think about it, he married Roxy at some point, wouldn't that make him Rose's... ecto-stepfather? This is weird I don't want to get into ectobiology right now.
His god tier outfit is too small for him and everybody makes fun of it. I thought those pajamas were magical or something? Shouldn't they have gotten bigger as he grew up? That would make a lot of sense. Isn't Vriska technically still 16?? This is really confusing. That's why I won't talk about time in Homestuck because it's all just dumb shenanigans at this point.

After that boring conversation, 3 characters arrive that change this upd8 from "alright" to "everybody who worked on this should get fired". It crushes the whole story, completely ruins 3 characters at once, and destroys any hope I had for this story. I really thought it had some potential. Even when everybody else thought it was trash I still stood by the notion that it can be good from certain angles.
But I guess they proved me wrong.

It's all straight up downhill from here.
They finally come to explain who Yiffy is.


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